
We are happy to invite you to attend the FIRST SPRING SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS OF THE CARIBBEAN to be held at Saint Francois, Grande Terre, Guadeloupe, French West Indies from May 30 to June 13, 1993.

This is the first time that an international school gathers mathematicians and theoretical physicists in this part of the world. The choice of the place and the theme of the school should attract both young and mature scientists. Scientists from all places are invited to apply. Because of the location of the meeting one expects that participants will come mainly from Europe, Northern America and Latin America. We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend.

R. Coquereaux, M. Dubois-Violette

P.S.: Due to space limitation and the necessity of booking hotel reservations a very long time in advance, we would appreciate an immediate tentative answer which should be sent to :

Maryse Cohen-Solal, CPT -- CNRS, Case 907, Luminy, 13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 9, France If your registration form is not received by October 30, 1992, we may not be able to make a hotel reservation for you.


Relations with lecturers of the Caribbean MTP Spring School

Patricia Flad, Bibliotheque LPTHE, Bat. 211, Universite Paris Sud, 91405 ORSAY Cedex, France Tel: 33 (1) 69 41 73 80 Telex: 60 21 66F FACORS E-mail: FLAD@QCD.CIRCE.FR Fax: 33 (1) 69 41 95 51

Relations with other participants of the Caribbean MTP Spring School

Maryse Cohen-Solal, CPT -- CNRS, Case 907, Luminy, 13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 9, France Tel: 33 91 26 95 13 Telex: CNRSLUM 430 838F E-mail: MARYSE@CPTVAX.IN2P3.FR Fax: 33 91 26 95 53

Directors of the Caribbean MTP Spring School

Robert Coquereaux (CPT) Tel: 91 26 95 53 E-mail: COQUE@FRCPN11 Michel Dubois-Violette (LPTHE) Tel: 33 (1) 69 41 73 80 E-mail: FLAD@QCD.CIRCE.FR