Language features

Code to be common shared code must (unfortunately!) be written in C, rather than any objective C or C++, to ensure maximum portability. This section does not apply to code written for specific platforms.

C code must compile under either a conforming ANSI C compiler OR an original Kernighan & Ritchie C compiler. Therefore, the __STDC__ macro must be used to select alternative code where necessary.. ( example )

Code should compile without warnings under an ANSI C compiler such as gcc with all warnings enabled.

Parameters and Arguments
The PARAMS(()) macro is used to give a format parameter list in a declataion so that it will be suppressed if the compiler is not standard C - see example .. The ARGS1 macro is for the declaration of the implementation, taking first the type then the argument name. For n arguments, macros ARGn exists taking 2n arguments each.
Do put the ending condition in a comment. Don't put it as code - it won't pass all compilers.
Don't use it. Basic cpp doesn't know it.
#preprocessor statements
DON'T indent any preprocessor statements. They must (for some compilers) begin in column 1.
This keyword does not exist in K&R C, so use the macro CONST which expands to "const" under standard C and nothing otherwise. -- See HTUtils.h
(part of: style guide ) _________________________________________________________________
Tim BL